Saleae employee referral program

Saleae employee referral program

Hey everyone, I think it's time we do a employee referral program - here's how it'll work:

  1. You have an awesome friend, by virtue of your charm, wit, and good looks.
  2. You suggest to your friend: "Hey, you should totally join Saleae!"
  3. If we hire your friend (due to their amazing awesomeness), and they name you as their referrer (see below), then we will deposit five large in your account (aka 50 benjamins, aka a whole lotta cheddar, aka $5,000 USD.)

Sound good? Thanks for the help!

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The Fine Print™

The "finders fee" mentioned above ($5,000USD) is only paid out to the "referrer" (you) when all the following happen:

  1. Saleae officially hires a new employee, who works at Saleae for at least two weeks.
  2. This new employee, solely at their discretion, provides us with the name of the single individual most responsible for informing them about, and persuading them to pursue, the Saleae job position. The new employee may name only one referrer.
  3. The referrer may receive multiple finders fees if more than one new Saleae employee meets the criteria above.

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